i wonder why my leg hurts so much?

last week i took a goofyesque spill at work. i thought i would improve day by day and i also expected my employer to be sympathetic since it was their fault!!

6 days on and i am still limping, i can’t go to the gym, my activities are restricted and i am still in pain. i can feel myself getting frustrated, cranky and short tempered from the lack of improvement.

i have persistant and localized pain on the back of my left leg, it’s aching and depending on my activity, pulling. walking flat or going down stairs? not too bad. going up stairs? nearly brings tears to my eyes

after being unable to get a doctor’s appointment til next week, i used one of my new contacts in the emergency dept. she got me fast tracked (2 hours) and when the time came to change into a gown for a thorough check of my back and hips…imagine my surprise when i noticed a little bruising behind my knee.

imagine the words that came out of my mouth when i saw the edge of deep purple bruising down my leg~from my ass to my knee.

thank goodness for my strategically placed thumb

the doc commented that the bruising matched my purple socks…
he thinks it is a torn muscle and i will be seeing orthopedics…there was a vague mention that i might need an MRI
i am taking the rest of the week off to write my complaint letter~~

3 thoughts on “i wonder why my leg hurts so much?

  1. part of the problem is that i treated it like a sore back and put hot packs on it which led to more bleeding. i should’ve iced it, to constrict the blood vessels and minimize the bruising.
    hey, i’m a critical care nurse! don’t know much about nosebleeds, hemmoroids or muscle tears…apparently

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